If you already have an account:
Login with your credentials you used to create the account

If you do not have an account:
Choose a username and password and login(This will create your account) Usernames must be less than 20 characters and passwords must be less than 30 characters.

There is no way to recover user accounts or change passwords(for now). An account is simply for storing decks and reserving a username. If you do not login for more than some undefined amount of time your account may be deleted and you will have to reimport your decks and re-reserve your username.
Please use a unique password that you will only use for this site(As you should for every site!).

If you wish to support the site and keep it running please consider! Become a Patron! Discord

If you have constructive feedback please join the Discord This site is currently in testing so expect bugs. please report them and they will be fixed.

If you wish to support the site and keep it running please consider! Become a Patron!
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